It's that time again - time to choose a Democrat and Republican to go head-to-head for the Presidency of the United States. As Super Tuesday just passed, some things have become a little more focused - and others haven't.
Growing up in Canada, we learned a lot about US history. In Canada, we actually realize that there is a neighbor to the south and that it's only neighborly to learn about them, hence our studying of the US political system. Living within a mile of the US, I got my fair share of US television and US politics.
Fascinating stuff, when you're observing from afar!
Now, I am within it all ... and have been for years. It's still so very fascinating, but for so many different reasons.
The court of public opinion.
Since when had this become a part of our legal system?
I find this is slowly becoming a rather significant issue in our society. Even if we have an amazing legal system based on the legendary "checks and balances" mentality, people are initially tried in the court of public opinion first and foremost. Even if we have the basic premise of "beyond a reasonable doubt", well, that doesn't seem to matter much either. "Guilty" the populace will yell, and to hell with the data.
Everyone in this country is, by law, entitled to a fair trial. If we stand to our principles as a country, then this must occur - and must occur for everyone under the law equally.
Allan Besselink, PT, DPT, Ph.D., Dip.MDT has a unique voice in the world of sports, education, and health care. Read more about Allan here.