Call it what you will. I just know, from my time on the third stone from the sun, that the universe will provide if we open our awareness to the world around us. The universe has a way of reminding us, of guiding us, of teaching us a few things if we simply pay attention.
Sometimes, common themes emerge. Apparently, there are times when the universe really wants you to understand something, really wants you to take note and learn something. And with that in mind, the theme that hath come full circle repeatedly of late is one of serenity.
Caballo Blanco spoke the words to me a few months ago. His words were direct, soft-spoken, and heartfelt. He spoke of serenity in the context of running, and specifically, running with the Tarahumara of northern Mexico. But the essence of his words was more than just a tale of running. It went far deeper than that. The universe was speaking through him, and I felt obliged to listen.
Caballo Blanco spoke of the experience that is running, of simply being, of exploring that which lies deep within and beckons you onward, that which lies deep within that tells you to stop, that struggle with every footstrike, until you just let go and just “be” the run. It’s not about running this way or that. It’s about being. It’s not about training, it’s about existing. Caballo Blanco spoke of love. And caring. And sharing. Serenity. Those things extend far beyond the simple task of placing one foot in front of other, over and over again.
Serenity manifests itself in so many other ways. It’s not just about running. It could be the strains of Ry Cooder’s slide guitar. It could be the words of Gandhi or Einstein. It could be the humor of Twain, or the eloquence of Rumi. It could be in the spoken word and powerful oratory of King. It could be as simple and powerful as gazing into a person’s eyes and truly experiencing their presence in your world. Or it could be the silence within, the moment between the breaths. They all speak of creativity, of expression, of love, of sharing, of serenity. They all provide us with a means to experience the world and experience ourselves with great vibrancy, fully, completely.
There is a sweet serenity of letting go … exhaling … breathing in the moments that we call life, a string of pearls, moment to moment, strung together between the breaths. It is the serenity of existence. And it surrounds us. Daily. The task is to experience it, feel it, explore it, and breath it in fully.
Perhaps that “universal force” that evades scientific description is simply – love. No, it’s not a force or a quantifiable entity, nor something mystical that is only explained by a special god or higher being. Love is none of those things – but it fills (or has the potential to fill) each and every living being. All you need is insight into yourself, into the world of quantum physics within ourselves, to know it. To live it. To experience it. To be it.
Thanks, Caballo Blanco, for not only sharing your life experience with me, but also reminding me of serenity and the beauty of life itself. Yes, universe, your countless other reminders for me have all, once again, been duly noted. And for that, I am forever grateful.
Photo credit: WikipediaAllan Besselink, PT, DPT, Ph.D., Dip.MDT has a unique voice in the world of sports, education, and health care. Read more about Allan here.