Today is Memorial Day, the day on which we remember those men and women that have died while serving in the US Armed Forces. It is a day to pay tribute to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
We are reminded, once again, that these men and women lost their lives while defending our freedoms. Of that, I am grateful. These people were actively supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States of America, supporting the Bill Of Rights and all that it entails.
But there is something else that I think should be remembered on a day when we honor those that have died. The passing of these brave men and women is to support our freedom, yes, but this day should also serve as a stark reminder to all Americans of their own personal responsibility to maintain our freedom. It is not just the troops on the front lines that are doing so.
What saddens me most is that on a day like today, most people will take those freedoms for granted.
I think I have become acutely aware of this while preparing for and accepting the responsibilities of citizenship. Perhaps some of that appreciation stems from having grown up no more than one mile from the state of New York. I could look out the front window and see the United States and all that it represents. Perhaps it comes with the true comprehension of the meaning of unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Maybe you have to spend time elsewhere to truly realize what you have right here in front of you.
Rights. Responsibilities. Freedoms.
On Memorial Day, we honor the fallen. We honor those that have died while serving for our country. But take a moment to comprehend and reflect on WHY they have fallen. They have not only been defending the country and our freedom, but perhaps more importantly, in defending the Constitution. This is a responsibility that each and every one of us bears, day in and day out. We are all in service of this nation. Freedom does not come freely. But it is not just the military that defends this freedom. It requires the work of each and every citizen. It is the work of keeping our legislators accountable to the Constitution and their constituents, and not just the special interests and 1%. Tough work, indeed, but I know we are all up to the challenge.
Let us not let their memory be in vain. Let us move forward with the hopes and dreams of these brave people in our hearts. Let us not let their efforts be wasted by our own inability to bear our own share of the responsibility of keeping this country free – on the front lines or otherwise.
Photo credits: abesselink
Allan Besselink, PT, DPT, Ph.D., Dip.MDT has a unique voice in the world of sports, education, and health care. Read more about Allan here.